Monday, March 23, 2009

Here's to Kyla

Since our days & weekends are mostly crazy & busy...I figured I would not post about our happenings..not like anyone really cares to hear about how much Laundry I did this weekend (13 to be exact) or how many times I had to clean pee off the toilet (lost count after 6) that for another day.

I wanted to dedicate this post to Kyla. Since she reads our blog regularly (yep, paige told me you did) , I thought there is no better way then to let her know how great I think she is. Tomarrow, March 24th, will be her 11th birthday. I look at you girls & I just cant beleive how grown up you are becoming each & every day. Gosh, I get so sad when I look back at your baby pictures & see how quickly this precious time has gone by.

Kyla was born in the evening on the 24th of March, 6:05pm. We were accompanied by my long time dear friend Bonnie. You were born with the biggest most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. (You have your Grandpa Morgans eyes). Your smile has always lit up the room, no matter what the situation may be, You are always finding a reason to smile. Even when your introuble you crack a smile....everytime! You have such a wonderful friendly spirit which always attracts people to you.

I love the fact you are so strong, in all areas. Strongwilled would be an understatement!! You know what you want & you go get it. Granted, this may be a disadvantage now while you are younger...but beleive me...when you are older this will be a great advantage for you as you will NEVER stand for anything LESS then what you desire! (AND DESERVE)

You're an incredible definetly get this from your father! You are good at everything you do & you do it with such grace that it makes me envious...well kinda...I might really hurt myself out there so maybe not too much envy! Nothing makes me happier then to see you out on that soccer field...running like your little butt is on fire...dodging those big monster sized girls like they were'nt even there...kicking that ball in the goal.... then lookin over at me to make sure I was watching you (which I always am). The ear-to-ear grin you give me is priceless. When you tell me & dad that you want to be a professional soccer player, I believe it, because I beleive in you! You have that incredible drive that will indeed, get you what ever it is you want in life.

Remember all of your dreams, even the silly ones, are not just dreams. Dreams become reality, if you want them too.

You're such a wonderful daughter, sister, friend, granddaughter, great granddaughter & one day..ONE DAY WHEN YOU ARE OLDER...LIKE 35...You will be a wonderful mother & wife.

My hope for you is that when you grow up & venture out into this world on your own, you will always stay true to who you are are & what you beleive in because that is what makes you so special & always know that dad & I dedicated our whole lives to make yours a better one. (yes you too paige)

As corny as this sounds, always remember this, I will Always Always be your number 1 fan, your number 1 supporter & no one will ever love you more then me. Happy Birthday Kyla..Me & Your dad love you so much & wish you a wonderful year.
FYI...she is getting ready for JR. High this coming August. (She's goin' big time now)

Love you sis'

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can't believe that Kyla is already 11. Happy Birthday Kyla. I remember when all of you guys were first born. I remember playing soccer with you and Paige a long time ago, back when I had dreams of being a professional soccer player. (Unfortunately, my bad knees wont let that ever happen)

    I miss you guys all so much, and I wish I could see you all. And maybe play a game of soccer with you (don't worry, I'd take it easy on you guys, lol) I feel bad that I've missed out on so much. We used to be so close.

    I remember that whenever I would come over to your house for a family event, you guys would all yell, "Carissa!" and run over to me and give me a big hug. Made me feel so awesome. But I've missed out on you guys growing up alot. And I really wish I hadn't. I wish I was there to girl talk with you two. I wish I was there when Paige first got asked out (BTW, You go girl! You're gonna be such a heartbreaker) I wish I could hang out with you guys on summer break.

    There's alot of things I wish. But just don't forget, that I still love you guys. And I think about you all the time. (Paige, I still have that Blastoise pokemon drawing that you made for me and Derek 2 years ago) You are such strong girls, and your mom and dad have raised you so well. I am proud of both of you. If you guys ever want to say what's up or me/text me (480) 200-8421 or email me

    Love you,
