Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Paige's New Picture

so for those of you who have been as blessed as myself to get those wonderful school pictures where your child looks nothing like your child...you understand how frustrating this is, right?
Every year, no lie people, Paige & tyler pose these ridiculous smiles and after spending the flippin' $32 on school pictures, I cant even recognize my own childs picture!! My children have the most beautiful smiles, but for whatever reason, come picture day...something goes terribly wrong and the camera turns into the biggest monster they have ever seen in their lives! You know the smiles...the ones that look like they haven't pooped in a week?! Yep..those ones!

Since I cant get my kids to smile without looking like they are in pain, I refuse to buy the school pictures. Until now...Paige brought home the best school pictures I have seen in around 2 years. I was so thrilled..FINALLY...I can buy some darn pictures! Yipee! I'm so excited!!

Enjoy! This is paige at 13, almost 14, and she's in 8th grade. She was so thrilled to be able to dress down out of her uniform. Come May she will be an 8th grade graduate & heading to Tri-City Prep for her freshman year of Highschool. Seems like just yesterday I was in highschool. Awww....those were the days....


  1. I just can't believe this is Paige!!! She is so beautiful and all grown up, Tracey where has the 13 years gone???

  2. That picture is adorable!! You should see Grace's school pictures, we will be able to blackmail her with them later :)

  3. She looks just like you did! What a sweetheart!
