Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Wow, first Thankful Thursday in a while, Yay for me! I just love having time to blog and fart around on the you can only imagine what my Thankful Thursday insert will be about today...Yep...having time!

This week was a rare one for me work wise, I had only 1 job that took 2 hours...THATS IT! So I have had the unusual luxury of being able to stay at home and spend it with the kids (since they are on their october break as well). During these last 7 days, I have been able to do many things I haven't had the time nor the energy to clean all the dark areas in my house and all the dreaded organizing of my closets and drawers. All I have to say is one word, YUCK! For someone like myself who owns a cleaning business, which I train my employees to clean things to my standards of perfection, it would only seem appropriate that my own home would be held to these same standards of perfection, right? WRONG! I have realized, I am a surface cleaner.

Yes, I am the person who opens up the tupperware cabinet & throws in the clean tupperware and quickly shuts the cupboard before things start to crash out onto the floor. I am the person who doesn't know what to do with a peice of paper or mail & I throw anything & everything into a drawer to get it off my counters. I do the same things in all my closets too! Well, NOT ANYMORE! During this week, I have had the time to clean everything out & organize it all...awwww...I love this feeling :) My packrat days are done!

I've also really enjoyed the time with my kids, sadly, we don't get much down time with the kids during the week since we are working and very busy in the evenings with sports & errands. It's been a nice change & I even sorta miss being a stay at home mom. I'm thankful I have another 3 days off with the kids to enjoy. It's a good thing I have started back up with the treadmill because with all this baking I've been doing, I'de be doomed with out it.

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