Saturday, October 8, 2011

My husband ROCKS!

I absolutely LOVE Zac Brown!  So, when Ty told me we could go and see him I was beyond ecstatic!  I couldn't believe I was finally able to see him in person!  It was a LONG day, but well worth it!  The gates opened at noon and we literally had to RUN to get our first row spot!! It was pandemonium to say the least!

Thanks to Lorraine we got one of the last few front row spots!!  Man, she's a fast runner!! 

Thankyou Ty!!  I will always remember this day!! You are the BEST husband ever!

After sitting on my blanket for 7 LONG hours- he finally came to the stage!!

He's an amazing musician!!  They JAM out!!

Such a great night!!! 

Summer trip to DisneyLand

This summer we were fortunate enough to get to go to DisneyLand.  It was a total surprise for the kiddos, they were SO excited to be able to go!  The weather couldn't have been more perfect! Funny thing is, in every single picture someone looks miserable, why is that?! 

It was a great trip, but a stressful one!  Alexa was so scared to go on any rides, which blew our minds because last time we went she was on every single ride with no fear!!  At one point she had about $15 in bribes from ALL of us to get on the water ride, lol!  Did she get on it?? Yep! Man, that Alexa is a smart little girl!

Our Family ALL ready for some Disney!!  (it wouldn't be us without some weird faces!)

Goofy Girls!!!

Alexa getting all Princessed up in the Bippity Boppity Salon!!
This was SO cool!

I literally took about 50 pictures, she was totally annoyed with mom!!

She probably had about 50 bobby pins in her hair!  And glitter, OH my word, TONS of glitter!

Sporting his new Captain Jack hat!  (this was his second one, he lost his first one on a ride)  Crazy boy!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Craziness, just craziness!

I was SO excited about this grocery trip I made today I JUST had to blog about it!  Seriously, I CLEANED house this week at Fry's.  I have the thought in the back of my head that Spring break/camping season is right around the corner so I figured I would stockpile some quick easy foods to last until summer.

***Keep in mind, I DID buy junkfood, but those raviolis are NOT something I buy my kids often and will last us about a year, especially since the don't expire until 12/2013!!  OH, and they were only $0.09 each!!!
I got ALL this suff for a grand total of $12.01!  Not shown are the 2 breyers ice creams.  My favorites: hefty sandwich bags for $0.19, 19 raviolis for $0.09, 5 80ft reynolds foil for $1.69.  All the candy & toothepaste were free!

This was my Albertsons trip, which I was a little disapointed with, I expected it cheaper.
$ 5.07

My Target Find: (I prefer free PB but this will certainly add to my stockpile without breaking the bank)
$0.51 each

My FAVORITE Target find today was this gum.
$0.24 EACH!  I'm a gum eatin' fool!

Ok, this was probably the highligh of my week, besides my febreeze deal.  I got ALL these gain dryer sheets for a grand total of: $1.56 ($0.26 EACH)
I actually bought 4 earlier in the week but gave them away to people
So this is my absolute FAVORITE steal this week!  I got ALL these free at Fry's because they were on clearance and I had coupons for all of them!  Luckily for me, the luminary kits were $4 and my $5 coupons carried my overage on the reeds and candles.  I left the store owing $0.00

It was a great week!

Monday, January 31, 2011

My little Artist

I know they aren't the best pictures but Paige brought these home today from school, they were her art assignments. This was all done free hand.  I'm so incredibly proud of how much an artist she is!! She truly has a gift and I wouldn't mind my house decorated in these fine ensemble's.  Great job Paigee!!!

Our New Family Project

We are the proud new owners of this 80-something travel trailer!  We got it free from some friends of ours (I LOVE FREE) they so graciously donated this beauty to us since it was taking way too much room in their backyard.  We were thrilled to receive it and to start the renovations.  It was in pretty icky shape once we got it, but after a week of cleaning & gutting, it's starting to look pretty gosh darn good!  Not to mention, fully loaded!

What was intended to be "Ty's Project" has evolved into a "Family Project".  The kids have all helped and had fun while doing so!  The girls spent the day sanding the floors and cleaning it with us, can't wait till it's in camping shape. We'll post pics once its done ;)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have a spot for my family's food storage!  Ty built me these awesome shelves last weekend and we were finally able to empty all the closets, cupboards, shelves and other areas I had stuff accumulated.  Don't be fooled, I still have mass quantities of food inside my pantry and tons of toiletries in my closets still, but for now this is all the room I have to store.

Crazy? Maybe... Smart? Definetly!  Wanna know why?  Because everything I bought for my food storage, I did with coupons!  I am a religious follower of  'The Krazy Coupon Lady', recently she was featured on the TLC show Extreme Couponing (hopefully you watched it).  She has taught me so much and I'm so glad I have learned how to stretch my dollar, spend less & buy more!  If you aren't a couponer, I encourage you to do so.  BUT, you have to do it the right way and match the coupons with the sales.  I average 80% savings each trip to the grocery store!

I think everyone should have a food storage, for many different reasons.  2 years ago, we were able to live off of our food storage for a very long time!  It saved us so much money in the long run because when we lost our jobs we atleast had food...and plenty of it.  My goal is to get my storage up to a 2 yr supply of food and a 1yr supply of toiletries/hygeine far, I have met my toiletries goal and am working on my food goal.  I just wish I had more room! lol

I bought 20 boxes of the Special K Granola, if you've never tried it you need too!  It's excellent as cereal or on yogurt & ice cream ;)

Beleive it or not, the fruit snacks will last the kids 6 months...for reals!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Little Angel

....Snow Angel, that is.  We got hammered last week with some freezing cold temperatures and about 2 feet of snow. One day our temperature registered at -30, brrrr!  We set records that day!  Hmmm, well now that I think of it, we've set records before here in Bellemont before..hence..Tornados!

Alexa was busy playing in the snow making snow cute!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Day

We spent the day with the family and all the kids, it was great!  The kids all had a blast.  Bill cooked us some "grub" on the grill!! hehe You never realize the importance the bond of cousins is, until they are reunited with each other after 6 months.  It was great to see them all so close and happy together.

The kids got to stay at Grandma & Grandpa Morgans house for 4 days while Ty & I headed off to Vegas the day after Christmas, it was amazing to get away with the hubsters!

Alexa & Annalese

What do you get a guy who is infatuated with guns for Christmas?? A gun encyclopedia!  He doesn't look the least bit excited about it, nah, not him!

It's a pillow, it's a pet...It's a Pillow Pet!  Anyone else have kids who had these things at the TOP of their lists' too?


Alianna in her new skates, skating with her daddy.  Isn't she edible?!

Sweet baby girl

Tyler & Brenton....cuties!

Paige & Alianna

Whitney & Tony...I LOVE this girl!

Kyla & mom

The boys playing xbox...they have literally tuned the girls out, lol


He's so handsome!!!


I think Robin forgot to Focus the camera!!!!

2 of my favorite people in this world!  Billy and Robin you guys make our lives so much better ;)

This year we decided to do Christmas at our home on Christmas Eve night since we had to wake early and head to the Morgans for Christmas Day. We have a tradition in our home on Christmas Eve that consists of a very fancy dinner with the kids (which they LOVE since they get to dress the table up all fancy and use all the fine china we have and drink champagne out of fancy glasses, ahem, sparkling cider in plastic flutes, lol) along with opening up 1 gift prior to going to bed.  Well, this year we surprised them and let them open all their gifts instead, I love surprises! (so did they!)  We ended a great evening playing all the new Wii games and fixing Santas plate. P.S. I'm so hooked on the dang wii!  Talk about some fun family times!  We hope you all had a fabulous Christmas!

All she wanted for Christmas was a new smart phone, (which we told her she would get when pigs fly) Guess th piggies learned how to fly, hehe

Happy Little Camper!!

Such a sweet boy!!  His secret santa knew just what he wanted!

Ever seen a kid get SO excited over some electric princess toothbrushes??  I must say we have some strange kids!

Wait, is that what I think it is?? Maybe not, wait, is...a SMILE!  Ugh, her smile melts my heart!

She's very orgnized and strategic with her present opening....she must her Type A thing from someone else

Alexa's throwin' that organization thing right out the window, to heck with that she says..she's on a mission!  Funny thing is that we even had to fish some of her new presents out of the trash since they got mixed up in all her wrapping mess, hehe

He is his fathers son, he must guess what each gift is before he opens them!  He HAS to shake them, feel them, listen to them and sometimes even smell them....scary thing is that he's never right!