Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ugh...he still makes my heart go pitter-patter!
I have the best hubsters ever!! 
We had our first Morgan BBQ here last weekend with some amazing friends (more pics to come soon) and this great man cooked like a pit master ALL afternoon long!!

Ain't he so dang cute?!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Goodbye diet...hello cakeballs

(I know these look like little skulls or something grotesque, but my lighting was horrible!  Don't let the picture fool you)

These are the most yummiest things I have ever eaten, so rich and delectable, I could hardly stand to eat just one.  I got the recipe from one of the other mom's in my PTO group.  She had brought these yummy little balls into one of our PTO meetings and all of us parents where in cake ball heaven!  If I could do one thing different, I would substitute the white chocolate for white almond bark, the chocolate is super pricey and SUPER sweet.

Here's how to make them:

1 box of cake mix
1 tub of frosting
1pk white almond bark (if you use chocolate instead, you will need 2 packs)

Bake the cake as directed
In a large bowl pour frosting in the bottom of the bowl
Once cake is done baking, pour hot cake into the bowl of frosting, mix well until it's one big gelatinous mess
Make bite size balls (should make 40-45 balls)
Place on a cookie sheet and freeze until well formed & cooled
Melt chocolate and dip your balls in the chocolate
Freeze again until hardened
I stored mine in the fridge but you can also keep them in an airtight container


Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm in heaven...

with all these neat little treats I get from my bountiful baskets.  I can't believe how excited I get every second saturday of the month when it's my day to pick up my basket.  I'm not kidding when I tell you it's like Christmas morning for me, I never know what I'll be getting.  (or maybe it's like opening up a box of chocolates, lol)

Several people got me turned on to the bountiful basket program, for those who don't do it, you're missin' out on a whole-lotta goodness!

I was SO excited when I got my basket this morning I had to share, it was simply AMAZING!

We ordered 2 baskets this time around plus we ordered some of the extras and they were well worth it!

This was our salsa pack, I made some yummy salsa verde & red tomato salsa out of this.  I had to laugh at that tiny miniature garlic tho, I could use that all up in one dinner dish!!  (I've never bought the italian pack but after this awesome salsa pack, I will definetly buy the italian one next time around!)

This 9 grain bread is great!  Ty just loves it!  The tortillas smell so good, what a great bargain for 7 dozen tortillas.

This was our fruit portion of the basket, mind you, this is just ONE of the TWO fruit portions I got!  Talk about generous!

And my favorite, the veggies!!  For those of you who know me, you know that I could eat veggies all day long, I love them & crave them!!  Ya, I know, what happened to my kids?!!
This was the veggie portion of our basket, and yes, its just ONE of the TWO I received!  What you're not seeing is the other 3 packs of baby portabellas I got.  For the record, I received FOUR baby bella packs today...these alone are almost as expensive as the cost of 1 basket!  I was doing my happy dance when I saw all the corn (12 ears total) and the butternut squash, I have a new love for butternut squash and the kids could eat the corn raw! 

I also got a 36 pound box of apples!! 

This week was GREAT for baskets!!  Now I need to think of a bunch of recipes for the week with all this yummy food.