Well, I don't quite know where to start. We decided to have our good friend Jana over with her 2 boys to have a whole baking day, which went wonderful by the way! I always love to spend time with her and her family! The plan was that the following morning, we would all head over to the mall and take a family picture. WELL....
The pictures turned out less then perfect for what I expected. For starters, it was a chore to get my kids out the door that morning, the rain was coming down like a geyser and it's the first family picture that none of my kids were color coordinated! It's the little things like these, that drive me bonkers!! All morning everyone was fighting and the house was absolutely CHAOTIC! Alexa REFUSED to wear something decent, along with ripping out her hair during one of her fits that I spent 20 minutes curling. Tyler would not take off that Jacket, kyla would NOT let me do her hair to save her life (and what the heck is up with the leg being up??? Seriously!) Paige was slouching in one picture to the point she looks completly bored out of her mind! Ty was dying from the heat of the fireplace, which at one point he was completely red (more then normal folks) and sweat started pouring from his forehead!! LOL. Did I mention I felt like the size of a house? Yes, I have gained some weight these past few months, but BOY O BOY does it show in a picture!! As much as I would love to just erase and re-record, I must still share this picture as a memory of where our family is today.
I always look back at our family pictures over the years and I'm totally saddened at how fast the time has passed by and how grown up my kids are getting. I'm not so sure what was going on in the Morgan household on this particular picture day to have it be such a hectic mess, but one thing is for certain, I will look back on this picture one day and miss being in that spot on that day!
I love those little stinkers more then they will ever know!!!
Alexa decorating her cookies

Tah Dah! I think most of these are baby haydens but some are the twins'

My sweet little bugger! (you should have SEEN how many sprinkles they went through..lol)

Mama and Lexa

OK...so here it is...the dreaded pictures!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!