Monday, September 7, 2009

Our Camping Trip to the Pines

The Camping trip was a blast. We went up to a great campsite in the pines of Flagstaff near Lake Mary. The plan was to take the boat so we could go boating at the lake and let the kids tube and such, but due to the monsoon weather and rain our pland for boating died off. We went to the lake the second day but the rain spoiled our fun. The kids had so much fun & there was always something for them to do. Tyler even ran into a friend of his from his class, turns out his parents were camping at the same spot. :) I have captured many pictures but will just upload half. We managed to stay there for 3 nights, but by the 3rd night I was very excited I was going home the next day :) The kids were sad to leave and are still sad to be tell you the truth, I am a bit sad too. It was a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Your trip looks like it was an absolute blast. I haven't been camping in almost 8 years now, and I really wish I had the chance to. Derek is not a camper by any means. But a friend of mine and I may be camping up in Flagstaff here soon. Thanks for posting the pictures. Sorry Bo didn't get a chance to wear his spiffy new life vest. We have a traveling backpack and booties for Jackson for outdoor events just like that!
