OK, so I've been tagged in this crazy '20' things run around. I figured I would jump in and do it so I can say "I DID IT". Here goes:
The 20 things you may NOT know about me:
1) I have a slight case of OCD when it comes to folding bath towels
2) I (until recently) used to mop my floors (all 2900sf of my tile) every single day for about 7 years straight.
3) I am a hair product whore! (LOL)
4) I am afraid of getting old
5) I often feel like the outkast in my side of my family
6) I was so excited when new kids on the block came out with a new song last year!! (this tells you my exact age)
7) Consider myself to be obsessed with my scale
8) Ed Hardy is my favorite designer, but I can't ever seem to afford his stuff
9) I am addicted to bargain shopping & sales
10) Sometimes I feel that I sell my kids short of a terrific mother because I am such an over acheiver and I don't always stop to smell the roses...Today. Instead, I regret it tomarrow.
11) I went to Juvy when I was 15 for wrecking my moms car
12) Unless my house is on fire or my kids are very ill, I will never leave the house without make up on
13) I like shiny chrome wheels on all our trucks
14) I LOVE LOVE LOVE TATTOOS!! I can't wait for ty to get his full arm sleeve :)
15) My dreams are to retire and travel the world with Ty
16) MY very favorite singers are: Eminem, Tupac, Toby Keith, Pink & Kid Rock (don't Judge)
17) At times, I worry about money until I want to throw up
18) On average, I get 5 hrs of "ME" time to myself a week. I recently made the decision that I am going to put myself back on my list and I vow NOT to feel guilty about it.
19) My favorite splurge is a heath & butterfinger blizzard at Dairy Queen followed (YES, FOLLOWED) by Orange chicken & chow mein from Panda Express. Mmm :)
20) If I could change one thing in my house it would be to get rid of all the damn stainless steel appliances I have and replace them with something that doesn't show 50 million fingerprints, scratches and smudges! Mother's worst nightmare HAS GOT to be owning stainless steel ANYTHING with 4 children & 1 husband! I happen to be VERY clean and make NO smudges!!! (must simply be because I CLEAN IT!)