Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bieber Fever

Yes, thats what we had...literally! July 25th I took kyla to her much anticipated Justin Bieber Concert. Let me just start by saying how hilarious it was to watch 13,000 little girls (and even some GROWN women) screaming and going crazy over a teenage little boy who maybe weighs around 90 pounds, soaking wet!

I think I was deaf for about 2 days afterwards, I've been to some concerts before (even a rock concert) and I've never heard music so loud before in my life!!  Kyla had a blast, it was a great mother-daughter date night.  That is, until she got it....that is the bieber fever.  Yep, she almost passed out!  We had to leave a little before it ended because she almost collapsed in her seat, LOL!  Ok, it's totally not funny but it's really kinda funny.  :)  Here's a picture I snapped with my phone since no cameras were allowed, he's harnessed to a huge heart (hmm, wonder whos idea that was) and he's singing all the girls a love song with his should have seen the girls under him, you'de of thought he was Michael Jackson or something!  Sheesh!~

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