I have been following Stellan's mom's blog everyday since I read about it (No, it's not my friends baby), it breaks my heart to see Stellan & all the medical staff struggling so hard to regulate his heart rate. Everyday I am hopeful I will get to read some wonderful progress on her blog, regretfully, I have not. It pulls at all my mommy heart strings that this seemingly wonderful family has to bear such heartache.
On the flip side, its totally amazing to me how much faith this family has in god to take care of little stellan. They are receiving so many prayers from people all over, what a wonderful feeling to know that so many people care about her sweet little boy.
I encourage you to check his blog, read his story & send much needed prayers his way.
Since we are talking about much needed prayers, I need to tell you about another boy, more like grown up guy. His name is Stephan & he is my Cousin Jessica's Husband. Stephan has been in a coma since the day before thanksgiving.
Stephan was in a very bad motorcycle accident the night before thanksgiving. He crashed into a car, the driver of the car pulled out in front of him & they collided. Even with helmet & gear, Stephan still had major head trauma as his helmet flew off his head.
To make this long story short, after they removed the flap (or whatever it's called) from his skull to release the pressure(day before thanksgiving), he has been in a coma since & has not waken up yet. He has been transferred from hospitals to rehabs to another rehab & as of now, he is currently up at the Hospital in ICU.
When I spoke with Jess this morning, I was in total shock as to what the heck happened to stephan. Just last week they thought he would wake up! Now he's in ICU & needs to be resuscitated??? What went wrong? He had been opening his eyes for some time now, squeezing fingers & grinning (still while in coma), he also made other small improvements that were BIG for him. Last week they gave him experimental drugs to wake him up, unfortunatly these methods did not work...they spiked his heart rate way too high & he had to stop taking them.
My question is still this: How can you have a trauma patient who has made wonderful progress in these last 4 months & all of a sudden decline? WHAT HAPPENED????
Jess summed it up like this: Since stephan has lost so much weight while in a coma, he's considered Mal-nourished. They just upped his caloric intake to 4000 calories a day (feeding tube still), somewhere along this line (AGAIN, short version here) stephan is vomiting & I guess he is now choking on his vomit...now fluid possibly in the lungs...he's taken to the hospital for pneumonia & NOW he is intubated & up in ICU, worse then he was before they fed him all this food. There are more parts to his story that I am not sharing,A: because I don't know every single medical detail
B: because jessica barely has time to breathe, let alone call each of us one by one & inform us minute by minute of his progress & newly arised situations.
This poor guy has been on one heck of a roller coaster with all of his ups & downs (there has been many).
My heart goes out to Jessica & Stephen for obvious reasons...I also just cant help but feel guilty, not that it was any of our faults, but more so that she has to go through this & me & my family are all healthy. Why is this happening to someone so young? It's just not fair. Just like with little baby Stellan, it should never be the young ones, right?
They are barely in their 20's & approaching their 1st year wedding anniversary. Jessica has been his rock during this entire ordeal, using her medical knowledge (she works at the hospital & is currently in school to be nurse) she is his voice when it comes to fighting for rehab versus nursing home,(YES, she has fought & fought very hard) asking many questions about his medications he is being given & the care he has been receiving AND not to mention how involved she is in his care. He's incredibly lucky to have her with him.
I'm praying that Stephen will come out of this & wake up one day. He has come so far and made many improvements, the rest is up to the Dr's & you know who. Please pray that he makes it out of this, and that Him & Jessica can live the rest of their lives together they way it "ought" to be.