Friday, March 13, 2009

I love this...

So, like I said before, I have been obsessed with blogs lately. I love to read ones that intrigue me. I have been following this one for months now & wasn't sure if I should post it or not. WELL, I decided too. This is the funniest, Wackiest blog I have come across yet. She's a bit out there & cooky...but funny. The title says it all so watch out!

I am also looking for any good cooking/recipe blogs that any of you may know of. My struggle is that I cook the same things over & over, rarely have time to cook something new as this requires to actually look through a cookbook and spend hours cooking. Who has hours to cook with 4 kids, a dog, a cat & a husband???? Ty & I started eating organic at the beginning of the year but some of the things the kids dont like..I'm hoping to find different ways to spruce up certain dishes to the kids' liking, while still healthy for them. For the Record...TY has lost around 16 pounds & I have lost 28 pounds. WOOHOO! Certainly we did not lose this weight from organics, we just quit eating everything in sight. In all seriousness, ty's focus was strictly to reduce his risk of heart disease. When Ty quit Younger Brothers, we lost our insurance & NO INSURANCE company would touch Ty because he has High BP & Cholesterol. Can you beleive this??

I'm so proud of him, he has done everything in his power to get his health in order & its really paying off & not to mention, he is loving life! He quit drinking, excersizes daily, eats incredible & takes almost as many vitamins a day as Bill used too. His BP has now dropped, his coloring is much better & he looks great! He never used to care about what was in any of the food he ate, now we have gained so much knowledge on how our food affects our bodies that he is very concious about ALL his foods. (Me Too) When he started this journey his top number of his BP was in the 170's, now its in the 130's. Excellent!!! (for those who dont know, ty has NEVER been that low)

SO, my reasoning for the organic is because we have found that much of the organic foods (sauces mainly) have much less sodium then the regular. For this, its worth the extra cents to benefit our health. So any input or suggestions on things to try or sites to check would be wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. That is so great that you guys have lost so much weight and are getting so healthy!! Ray and I have been working on eating better, too. He has lost about 10 pounds in the last month (I have lost only 7-it is so hard for me when I am nursing!!!). You guys are inspiring me to keep on trying!!
