Saturday, March 7, 2009

Oh Lexa Lexa..

What have you done! Little Miss Alexa has been wanting her haircut for about a week now, which I must say she really does need one. She has such a hard time combing her hair & getting all the knots out. Even with a cup of conditioner, the child still has a heck of a time combing her hair. Well..I hear Tyler say "ooooohhh Lexa, you're not supposed to have scissors". Those words stopped me DEAD in my tracks & I knew EXACTLY what she had those scissors for. Yep, she did it alright! About 8 inches cut right off the front side of her head!! Now ok, I know this is something kids do when they are little, which Lexa has already done a time or two, but WHY must they cut the FRONT of their hair????? Atleast if they cut the back, you can still do ponytails & braids to hide it, there is absolutely nothing that can be done in the front, except for cutting it. Which we did. Can you beleive that she was laughing??? Oh yeah, She thought this was funny. I tell you people, this child ALWAYS gets what she wants, whether it be HER way or your way..she WILL get it. I almost fell over to see how short her hair was after it was cut...but I must say that it is so ADORABLE on her. After her hair was cut she was throwing her hair all around & showing off. LOL.


  1. I love her hair! I wish my hair was longer. I'm finally starting to grow my hair out, it's so weird. BTW, I too have a blog...

  2. She looks so adorable!! Grace cut her hair last year and gave herself a mullett on one side...there is nothin' you can do with that, believe me!! Welcome to the blogging world! Your kids are adorable (and so big!!)
    (this is Becky VanderLouw, by the way :))
